About us

The Blog You See is a venture by group of professionals with decades of experience In Human Resources sector, as the website name implies, we are committed to catalyze opening up career possibilities and helping you choose the best one. We also offer for all its value users, individuals, organizations, institutions, and firms free Job posting for recruitment purposes only. Mainly for the candidate we provide employment leads that can enable you to find the right employment opportunity. The Services are offered free of cost do visit our websites daily for latest job Updates.

A professionally managed company, we work as an All India Data Bank of critical and competitive Human Resource. We render chartered services and solutions in recruitment and placement of professional personnel for corporate and institutions, besides providing Research Services in profile and manpower data management. With an exclusive, varied and classified database of qualified and experienced personnel – which is continuously updated and added – in every discipline or field, (close to three million from diverse sectors) at various levels, Our portals are a virtual national HRD Bank.

We operate as a catalyst in search, selection and positioning of personnel for distinctive sectors of business, industry and service organizations. Involving in manpower planning and placement over the years, we have developed technology and expertise in profiling, identifying and mapping technical, functions-specific and specialized personnel.

Our Values

Some of the values close to our heart are: Contribution, Creativity, Dignity, Excellence, Fun, ‘Making the World a better place, Uniqueness, and Zest.